This morning's run was very challenging. I did some simulated hills on the treadmill. Goal was to do at least 10, 12 if I was feeling up for it. It was actually a very pleasant morning outside, high 60's for the first time in a while, but most of my run was going to be in doors. I went to the Y and did the usual warm ups, bike, ball crunches, stretching. Got onto a treadmill and ran at a mostly easy pace for 20 minutes (2.45 miles), grabbed some water real quick then got back onto the treadmill. Put the incline to 7%, and the speed at 8.8 mph for the first one, did intervals just over a minute long each one, with a little over a minute rest. I backed down the speed for the next couple and was feeling really beat after doing just 3. It was going to be a tough morning. Took them each one at a time. Made it 8, and then took the last two a little bit faster. It took everything to finish the last one. Headed outside and did another 2.35 miles at about an 8:10 pace, still nice out for running. Went back inside but decided not to do too many weights, just a few sets of leg extensions and some bicep curls. P.M. - did my Wii yoga routine as well as a few other other yoga exercises I don't do very often for some variety.