11.42 mi, 01:3, 9 08:38 pace
Ran by myself in Starkey park on the hiking trails. This was my fourth time running off road. Sean K. had taken me three times before. This was my first solo run there. I wanted to try learn it for myself. Nice, cool 50 degrees at the start, fumbled around in the dark, then followed the sun east once it was up and made it to the 4 mile water stop (took me 6.8 miles), return trip was much quicker and more direct. Felt great once I made it back. Ready to get back out there again soon.
Shoes were a bit muddy when I got home, but it was worth it. After the run, put the old kitchen table out on the driveway for sale, and someone bought it in half an hour. Then headed over to youngest son's Tae Kwon Do belt test. He almost didn't get to take the test since his forms needed a little bit of work. But, he was able to convince the instructor that he was serious about doing a good job and was able to take the test. During the test his forms never looked better. Had a lot of focus and intensity.
Celebrated with dinner at B.D.'s Mongolian Grill that night.