Marathon Dreamer

Week starting Aug 29, 2010

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Member Since:

Jan 12, 2010



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:

Official PR in the half... San Diego Half Marathon at Petco Park March 2012 ; 1:48:34 

Full Marathon PR - LA Honda Marathon March, 2012; 3:48:33

3/2012 - 5K PR - 22:20

Short-Term Running Goals:

AZ Rock n' Roll Marathon P.F. Chang, January 20,  2013

Carlsbad Marathon, January 27,  2013 

Mission Gorge 15k Trail Run, February 2013


LA Marathon, March 2013 ? or.... 

Mountains to Breakers Marathon, May 2013 

Noble Canyon 50K, September 2013? or a 50 miler....

Javelina Jundred, 100 mile, October 2013... I will succeed!!!


Long-Term Running Goals:

Someday run a sub 3 hour, 30 min marathon... anything is possible!  My hopes are to continue to steadily improve and surprise a few people ;-)!

100 mile in 2013

 Master's Woman's Bikini contest... yes... I may just do this in the coming year if I can manage to give up beer long enough to cut!

Help to inspire others to get fit and be consistent in their training.....Continue to love running and stay injury free while I rack up the miles....


I have been married for almost 20 years.... Dave is the only man that I think that was placed specifically on this earth to tolerate my crazy ways.

I have 2 boys - ages 9 yrs. and 18 yrs. old (senior in high schoold and known on this blog as "Ironman"- they are fabulous kids - I am very blessed!!!

I am an RN and have been for around 12 years.

I lift weights regularly and work abs 2-3 days a week.  I enjoy the beach, like to sing, and love to run!!!

Quit smoking about 4 years ago and couldn't run 1/4 way around a track when I began... started with elliptical and then got into running more seriously.  Cranked up the mileage and intensity when I began training for my first 1/2 marathon.  The rest is history.... or history in the making!?


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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Vibram Kso Lifetime Miles: 29.60
Montrails Lifetime Miles: 236.25
Asics Gel Nimbus Lifetime Miles: 278.60
Reebok RealFlex Lifetime Miles: 388.35
Reebok Realflex Grey Lifetime Miles: 195.55
Reebok Realflex Black Lifetime Miles: 399.40
Reebok Realflex Pikachu Color Lifetime Miles: 106.40
Reebok Purple Lifetime Miles: 95.20
Purple Sole Reebok Lifetime Miles: 536.45
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Asics Phoenix Miles: 37.25
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Another poor night's sleep!!  I went out the door and was hoping for 10-12 miles this morning, but I could feel that I didn't have it in me today.  Ran 3... went back to the hotel and decided to use this as a rest day.

Asics Phoenix Miles: 3.00
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Slept better last night.  Decided that I would mix mileage with speed work today.  My workout went like this on the treadmill:

2 mile warm up at 10:00/mile pace

2 miles at 8:13/mile

1 mile recovery jog

2 miles at 7:47/mile

2 miles at 9:20/mile with half mile at 3.5% incline

1 mile cool down 

I think that the dude that was in the gym with me must have been thinking that I was gonna collapse on that last 1/4 mile of my second interval.  Dug a little deep to get it done, but I know that another mile was definitely in me.  I am kicking myself for not going for it.  Planning to go back to the gym later to do arms and abs. 




Asics Phoenix Miles: 10.00
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Slept better last night.  My 7 yr. old slept with my oldest son and it was nice!!  I had the whole bed to myself!  Woke up at midnight for about an hour, but when the alarm went off at 6am, I was definitely in a deep sleep... that noise scared the crap out of me!  Had planned an easy day and I don't know what happened because my average pace this morning was 8:34 min/mile.  I stopped at mile 3.25 for a few minutes to watch some surfers.  I love running here!  On my way back, I tackled a hill and kept a nice pace going up... I'm sure I will pay for this tomorrow.  Hey... need to pick your brains!!  I've got a real stinky problem!!  I cannot get the B.O. stink out of my athletic clothes!!  Any suggestions?  I have used Tide with fabreze (the athletic one).  The clothes smell fresh once washed, but if they get damp with sweat... boy they stink!!  I may have to start tossing some of these shorts again!!

 Missed working with weights last night.  I was just too tired.  Decided to hit it today and completed upper body and abs routines. 

Asics Phoenix Miles: 6.00
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Ran 2 miles then had to return to my hotel for a bathroom stop.  GI issues this morning.  Decided to play it safe and stick close to a bathroom so I hit the gym. Ran 6 miles on the treadmill at an easy pace.  My left knee was bugging me at the end of it.  Strange elastic snap feeling in it yesterday when I got out of the jacuzzi.  It didn't hurt at all when it happened, it was just a strange sensation.  I am praying to GOD that there isn't a real issue there and that this is runner's knee.  I just recently started doing more running on the treadmill, so I am wondering if it is messing with my knee.

Asics Phoenix Miles: 8.00
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SLEPT well last night!  Finally.  I am RESTING today... after an aching knee yesterday, I have decided to give myself a full rest day and see how I feel tomorrow.  I will be doing upper body weights and abs later today just to keep with my routine. I have realized something about myself.  Even though I was able to run 60 miles last week, it doesn't mean that I should!  I have a breaking point... No more than 55 is where I will be sticking from now on.  Although I would like to be like some people on this blog that can do big mileage, I see now that it causes me issues when I do that.  It happened last training cycle too.  That was right around the time when my plantar fasciitis got really bad.  So despite recommendations to run big mileage... you have to know your own limitations.  You cannot expect to be able to do what others suggest.  Although it may work for them, it may not work for you.

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Average pace 8:59 min/mile.  Still a bit tired today.  Mother nature left me a "gift" over night.  UGH!  Yeah... I know... I know TMI.  But hey... this is my blog.... and hardly anyone follows it anyway except a few special people!  That little "gift" does explain why I have not been up to par this week.  I also think my body was a bit overloaded to begin with.  I gotta say though.... I am glad I got the "gift."  Lately things haven't been right with that... I am sure it is from all the training.  It will be interesting to see how long I keep the "gift" and when it moves on!  And at least I won't have to run my marathon with the gift!!  Right?  I took it easy on the mileage today.  This weeks' mileage hasn't been great... but that's ok.  The training is in the bank and I had some quality workouts this week.  Last long run this weekend then I officially start my taper.  Last taper was 4 weeks, this time around will only be 2 weeks.  I am curious to see if I do better with a shorter taper.  Did abs and arm weight routine in the late afternoon at the gym.

Asics Phoenix Miles: 5.00
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Ran along the ocean.  Had my husband with me but we were running different paces.  8:09 average pace per mile.  First 1.5 miles in 11:04.  The extra rest this past week has served me well.  Last long run before the marathon tomorrow.  My knee is better and my Plantar Fasciitis is better at the moment.

Asics Phoenix Miles: 5.25
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Asics Phoenix Miles: 37.25
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