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St. George Marathon

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Member Since:

Sep 24, 2007



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

8 marathons and a few triathlons.  Marathon PR: 3:26:20 (Ogden Marathon 2006)

This years races (2010) planned so far:

February 13th - SLC Track Club Winter Series 10-k 

April 3rd - Striders 1/2 Marathon

May 15th - Ogden Marathon

June 12th - Cache Valley Classic Triathlon (Olympic)

Short-Term Running Goals:

  • Sub 3:20 Marathon
  • Stay injury free!


Long-Term Running Goals:



Great wife with four great kids.

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Slow jog up City Creek Canyon.  Sped up the last mile just to wake up the legs.

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Just long enough of a run to keep my legs loose.  Treadmill run.  Not quite ready for the cold weather yet.  Probably the last run prior to St George Marathon.  A little nervous about the marathon but I've put the long runs and training in so should be OK.

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Race: St. George Marathon (26.2 Miles) 03:30:43
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Would have prepared the report before but my wife's iphone does not functional weel with this website.  So here it is:

This was the "perfect" race for me, or as perfect as I have come to so far.  By perfect I don't me fastest but given my fitness level the best I think I could have done.  I wanted to go out relatively slow, have a negative split, and not have the wheels come off at the end.  I achieved all three.

Mile 1  8:25 still dark and cold - just trying to navigate through the crowd and find a comfortable pace.

Mile 2  8:02 still cold

Mile 3 - 5   22:56 (av pace 7:30) - stopped to get water at mile 3 & 5.  I made it a point to drink at every water station.  Feeling good and I found my stride.  Shed my lond sleeve shirt, skull cap and gloves (which I never recovered).  Forget to hit the right button on my watch at each mile marker.

Mile 6  7:22 - mentally getting ready for the hill.

Mile 7  7:41

Mile 8  9:10 - here we go up the hill.  Decide to take sloooow and reserve as much as I can for the second half of the race.

Mile 9  8:41 - still going up just not as steep

Mile 10 7:52 - still going up...

Mile 11 8:31 - still going up...start talking to a guy from L.A. (Steve).  We end up talking for the next 11 miles

Mile 12 8:10

Mile 13 7:35

Mile 13.2 - the best that I can remember the clocl said 1:47:xx, so my chip time was probably 1:46:xx

Mile 14 8:03 - feeling good - no signs of fatigue

Mile 15  7:25 - this must have been a steep down hill (?)

Mile 16 - 17  15:01 (av 7:30) - more down hill

Mile 18 - 19  15:48 (av pave 7:54) - little up hill here with more down hill

Mile 20   8:25 - slowed down at bit...not sure why since I was still feeling good.

Mile 21  7:20 - probably a little to fast

Mile 22  8:48 - starting to feeling like my feet where made of cement

Mile 23 - 24  15:58 (av pace 7:59) - try to push to the end

Mile 25  8:32 - see the 3:30 pacer run by as I'm getting a drink of water. Oh well!

Mile 26  8:58 - felt like I was moving at a snail's pace but that was all I had

Last 0.2 - 1:54 - like banging your head on a tree trunk. It feels so good when you stop.

My wife and my two little girls (11 & 12) arrived at the finish line about 20 minutes late so I wondered around the park trying to find other FRB runners.  Obviously they were all too fast and had already left. 

Spend Saturday afternoon and Sunday hiking in Zion Nat'l Park with the family.  My favortite national park.  My legs recovered rather nicely.

Gorgeous course!  My new favorite marathon.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal
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