A little more than 4 miles, mostly on treadmill. Got to the Eewok part in "Return of the Jedi." This is the first time since watching the new Star Wars movies that I've watched the first three, which is actually 4,5,6 (try explaining THAT to a 5 year-old). It is interesting to watch them as an adult. I don't like the changes from the first release--like that CG beast in that sand pit? Squeals like a pig. Humph. I liked it better just as a big pit with teeth. So, I fell off the running wagon this week. 3 missed days! Sorry for neglecting you, beloved bloggies. I'm adjusting to an increased work load. Sometimes I am fine, and sometimes I stay up really late worrying and fretting and can't sleep until I go sit outside, contemplate my tininess in comparrison with the galaxy, and pet my constantly shedding dog until I am as hairy as Chewbacca himself. Want to know something fun that is going on in my family? My little 3 year-old is a hard-core thumb-sucker. I loved it when he was a baby because he could fall asleep so easily and sooth himself back to sleep in the middle of the night. (Much more convenient than all those midnight hunts for the binky that we had with Sam!) But anyway, I kept waiting and waiting for him to grow out of it on his own, and finally decided it was time for a party. That's right, a party. I made a little crown for him with a picture of a thumb on it. The whole family sang songs about fingers and thumbs, we had treats that looked like fingers on a hand, and we hung streamers. He got a wrapped present (Batman gloves) and we sung "Happy Thumb-Day to You!" We read a scripture about growing up "When I was a child..." and I told him how proud I was of him for growing up, and that he did not need to suck his thumb anymore. He delightedly agreed. Now we call him the "King of Thumb" and he has completely given it up. I put yucky tasting stuff on his thumb just to make sure he doesn't forget, and he actually reminds me when I forget to put it on. It's a big milestone in such a little life--probably the hardest thing he's ever had to do, but he is doing it. I am so proud of him! Parties are the answer to many problems, I thnk.