Okay people, one important AND applicable adage about life is that the more pathetic you are, the more potential you have to be inspiring. When a healthy person with 5 extra pounds looses 5 pounds, it is no big whoop. But when somebody in horrible health looses 200 pounds and becomes really healthy, it is worth reading about. From that perspective, I am just bristling with potential these days! Here's the scoop...
So I lost a lot of blood and have a hemoglobin count of about 7 (it was 14 before the birth) AND I've got this pesky incision in my tummy that is very particular about my laying around like a dead walrus in order to heal. Take for example my first day home from the hospital... The discharge instructions said "walk every day." SoI went for a short walk. I couldn't imagine walking less than half a mile, but about .25 mile out, my incision started hurting so badly I couldn't walk. I was stuck! It took me almost an hour to inch my way home, and guess what? My incision *urp* opened on one side, setting my recovery back by almost a week. (As if it were not taking it's sweet time as it is!) Later my doctor clarified that I should "walk" to the bathroom, or into the kitchen, not GO FOR A WALK. What was I thinking?
Bleh. So for the last 2 weeks I've done almost NOTHING with this bod but feed my lovely baby (who is sooo sweet, by the way--she never cries) and walk to the bathroom a couple of times a day. Today I was feeling brave (and sick of being inside) so I braved a little leasurely walk outside. A third of a mile. Hooray for me. I hope that by the time I get to 6 weeks post partum, and can "officially" start exercising, I will be able to walk a mile or two with minimal pain. We shall see.
Tonight was very very windy. The monsoon storms have been threatening a lot these last few days, and I just love 'em! The sound of the palms swishing around like waves on the ocean, the heavy scent of rain on the creosotes, white lightning scratching through the dark clouds...it was heaven. And as a bonus I squished a bark scorpion that had crawled onto the sidewalk in front of the WRONG postpartum lady... And it's all up from here. I'm looking forward to the journey. |