I was feeling a little bit uninspired today.. I spent the day walking around a museum with my kiddos and my dad. It got me all tired and I was feeling kind of like just not running. SOOOO I got on the blog and started reading some of the entries for some of the from-the-start bloggers. Paul, Cody, Jon, and DANG Kory Wheatley! Have you seen his blog? He's all "yeah, so I broke my elbow, but as long as I didn't move my arm too far, I could still run." !!!!!!! That's some serious dedication for you, right there. Seriously, that guy has running in his SOUL. So of course after reading that I absolutely could not keep from dragging my sorry hiney out the door. This is what I admire most about runners. People who run tend to be awesome. They have a level of self-mastery that is rare, I think. That is really what I want.
Speaking of awesomeness, did you know that Mitt Romney runs 3 miles every day? You may not think that is a lot, but please remember that he is 65 years old (seriously!) and fairly (I would say) busy. And please also remember that it has been said the man has absolutely no athletic ability, so it is the excellence of his mind that is getting him out there every day. President Obama runs too, I think, and he is fairly awesome, too. Not as a president, of course, but as a public speaker and general public figure. I wonder who would win in a footrace? I think Obama is much younger, but I think Mitt is tougher mentally.