Man oh man, this was the first time I've run with Sam in quite a while. That little dude is WAY to inclined to nearly kill of his momma with sudden surges. I naturally feel that I should keep even with him, since he is knee-high to a chipmunk, and we run on a road. Visibility, you know. But geez! If we are running 10:30 pace, it actually means we are running 11:15 pace, with some bursts of 8:30 pace thrown in there. One unexpected benefit is that I was feeling quite nauseated before the run, and though I was certain I'd have to ralf at some point during the run (I didn't) I had ABSOLUTELY NO trace of nausea after and for the rest of the day! That is a miracle. Is running a remedy for morning sickness? My adorable parents-in-law left today, but not before my beloved mother-in-law, Sandy, took me shopping. She is always trying to help me get a clue where fashion is concerned. So today she bought me a Ralph Lauren sweater to wear to church (which is ALWAYS freezing--even in the summer! The air conditioner is set to actic temperatures.). She gives me clothes as often as she can, and they always look great and fit perfectly. I am more likely to love something SHE picks out than something I find. How in the world does THAT happen? I don't know. She is a shopping goddess, I guess. She informs me that I am drawn to whatever clothes make me look most pregnant, or like a little old lady. She tries to steer me in the right direction, but I am a slow study. She, on the other hand, will never age. That woman looks 20 years younger than her real age. I really love hanging out with her, although she can out-shop me by about 8 hours--she is like the energizer bunny in high-heeled sandals! Do NOT attempt to go to a large mall with her unless you have been training for at least a year. Start by walking a mall for an hour a day and work up to 4 hours gradually.