Well I woke up feeling a strong compulsion to run this morning. Nothing works right if I miss my run in the morning. I've got about an hour to an hour and a half before my kids wake up in the am to 1) run 2 miles, 2) shower and get all spiffy for the day, 3) fold a load of laundry, and 4)study my scriptures. If I REALLY book it I can get all those things done before my little blessings wake up and command my full attention. But if I miss my run, I don't do any of those other things and I wake up when my kids force me to (usually by jumping on my bed). This is the scenario that leads to still being in pajamas at noon, and needs to be avoided as much as possible. So, even though I was feeling sick yesterday (sore throat, feverish, can't hear out of one ear) I headed out this morning, determined to get 'er done. I felt really clunky this morning--kind of tense, and rather slow despite moderate effort. I was running outside barefoot as the sun came up. I was thinking about chi running. I'll admit it, I know nothing about chi-running, but Laura mentioned it yesterday in her blog, along with something about leaning forward a little bit. Now, you all know that there is a little axiom about a little bit of knowledge being a dangerous thing, and in this case it proved to be quite true. I basically just leaned forward a little more than usual, and reveled in the "chi-ness" of running in some Taoistic (I think I just invented that word) way. I definitely was able to achieve a high level of detachment, as my chi running suddenly became chi-flying, followed shortly by chi-crashing. I don't want to talk about it, other than just mentioning that this is by the most skin I have ever lost off my knees. But I finished my run and got the laundry folded etc., so the day went pretty well from that point on. I did start to feel sicker throughout the day though, so I will not be putting in my little end-cap of running this evening. |