4 miles . Half outside, half on Fred. Our internet connection was down yesterday so I couldn't blog my run. One whole day off the blog! It seemed like an eternity. I don't see how anyone can run without being part of the Fast Running Blog Community. :) I know I wouldn't. Those of you newer to the blog probably don't know how I started running. I married this really fast guy who seemed to need running like I need sleep. Although I ran in high school, I saw no point in running without a team to run for. Anyway, one day James told me that some guy he met on the internet and his family were going to come stay at our house for the weekend. I was a little bit ??? James, are you SURE they are not murderers? But murderers seldom travel with children, do I was willing to give it a try. So Sasha and Sarah and their adorable kids stayed at our house during the Del Sol relay--back when the blog was too small to support a full, fast relay team without including many non-bloggers. Anyway, while they were down here I gave Sasha a 10 min. piano lesson and he ran 1 mile with me (which was an accomplishment for me!) So since then Sasha has played the piano every single day and I have become a runner. Although Sasha never misses a day with his piano practice (and I definitely have missed days of running) I am still winning, since I spend a LOT more time running than he does playing the piano (just kidding, Sasha). I think the reason I wanted to start running was because I saw how running could be a family sport--with the kids involved and everything, instead of just being James' weird compulsion. So far it has produced a lot of positive results. My favorite is probably that my little boys were all able to come off their asthma medication. But being able to run a faster 5K than I ever did in high school was also very nice. I have to remember these things at times like this when I am struggling just a bit.