Hey, check it out! Thanks to Adam for pointing out this picture to me. This is me finishing the Provo City Half Marathon in my socks. I see now how puffy my face is. JK. I can tell exactly what I am thinking by looking at this picture. The Pachevs have a lovely, deep, cushy couch in their front room. I was thinking 'I'm gonna lay down on that couch and not move for at least an hour!' And I did. (Actually, I think this is when I first saw my three little boys waiting for me just across the finish line. But the couch truly was an inspiration to me during miles 11-12.) One mile barefoot today at the crack of dawn, 10:17 pace
3 more tonight at 9:55 pace, shod. Gotta calm down, that is just a little fast for me in a recovery week. Everything feels good now except possibly my hamstrings, which are just a little tight.