YIKES! What a run! I ran 2.85 with Christine, which was uneventful, and then headed out for 1.15 more barefoot with Sparky, which was a little TOO eventful. Whenever I run with Sparky I always try to get him to "meet" the other people and dogs that are out on walks so he can learn how to do it without going crazy. Anyway, there was this little old lady walking a HUGE black chow mix. As I approached her I said "Is it okay if I let him meet your dog?" She was just starting to say that it probably wasn't a good idea, when her dog lunged, broke his leash and came tearing off after us. Let me just let that sink in for a moment... Big dog, frothing at the mouth, tearing after Lybi in her bare feet and her little dog. Thank goodness I watch "The Dog Whisperer" just about every day (he he he). I knew that if we ran he would bite us. So I just stood my ground while the dog chased Sparky around my bare legs while I tried to block him with my stance. I had the wild thought that there was no way I was going to let that dog hurt Sparky--he'd have to go through ME first. Meanwhile, the other owner appeared too afraid of her dog to do anything! (I can see her point, though, that dog was dang frightening.) He really seemed like he wanted to ELIMINATE Sparky. I kept trying to grab Sparky and, finally succeeding, quickly turned his rear towards the attacker. That's what dogs want--to sniff each other (according to Cesar Millan). And nose to rump is safest because eye contact is what triggers attacks usually. So that humongous dog made a big ol' deal about sniffing Sparky up most abusively, but at least he did not bite. Sparky was so scared he had an accident. I don't blame him a bit--I almost did the same thing, to be honest. After a couple minutes of this, and with both dogs somewhat calmer, I kept waiting for that lady to come get her dog. But I finally had to say "can you come get him, I think it's okay now." I felt quite heroic at the time, but I think I would've rather skipped the whole interlude and left my courage untested. Interestingly, I got my very first barefoot injury, although it is of little consequence. The other dog stepped on my foot and scratched me with his toenails. A mark of courage! |