There. A nice round fiver to get the week going in the right direction. I MUST MUST MUST reach my goal of 30 miles this week even if I have to tether myself to the car and have James drive me around. 3rd try is the charm, right? So far illness and injury have been getting in the way. Means I need more sleep, probably.
You know what I've realized about sleep? Sleep and eating are connected for me somehow. If I get a really crummy night's sleep, I totally fall for the forbidden fruit (which resembles a candy bar more than fruit) the next day. And then, if I eat crappy (especially chocolate) I can't sleep, or WON'T just go to bed when I should. Vicious cycle! How do I get off? Tonight I'm going to bed early, so hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Can't believe how my life has changed since I started running. I used to try to go to bed by 11:00, and I never could. Now it is 8:45 and I'm ready to hit the hay. I'll be snoozing in half an hour, with any luck. Goodnight everyone! |