So, another record for distance, hehe, as well as 50 seconds per mile faster than last night. Not that I am trying to go faster, but I am remembering how to run, instead of literally dragging my feet through a sorry mile. Tonight was the first time I felt a little bit of a runner's high, complete with goosebumps. (Although to be fair, it was rather chilly. But still.) I feel good and I'm very happy to be running again.
Check out my new sweet sweet long term goal <-----------over there. That's right! I'm going to be one of those marathon running geezers! The oldest woman to complete a marathon right now was 92, but she walked it (cheater). So it will take 59 years for me to beat her, but rest assured, she is going down.
Wow, that sounds so incredibly cruel!! Who wants to take down a little old lady? Let's just say the RECORD is going down. And I've got a lot of time to work on my strategy. *Evil snicker* Can't wait. : D
I was thinking that after the age of 70 I shouldn't dress up like a ninja anymore for marathons. It detracts. After that I'll go with a house coat and curlers. I'll be known as the "marathon granny" and people will get T-shirts that either say "I beat the marathon granny" or "The marathon granny kicked my trash." Hahahahahahaha....I might be tired. Side note: isn't it interesting that I don't have to be drunk to come up with ideas like that? Like seriously, if you were me, you wouldn't see the point of alcohol either. |