I was able to go see the Provo Riverwoods 10 miler. It was so cool! Sasha came in way before everyone else. I was surprised by his incredibly long stride. I was super proud of my DH James in Sunny AZ for coming in 1st in his age division (not counting Russian Red-heads who are overall winners). James has a very relaxed/springy gait and didn't even seem to be uncomfortable when he came in. I was also very impressed/inspired to see Sarah come in well under her goal for the race. That woman's got MOXY!
I stood at the finish line and clapped and hollered for just about every single soul who finished. It was great.
.1 Little races at a rest stop with my boys.
I was absolutely committed to running as soon as we got home so I could have a new record in weekly mileage, but we got home later than expected--11:20 or so, and I was ambushed by my bed and sucked in as soon as I walked into my room. So I got 15 miles and change for this week. Next week I will absolutely get 20! |