I did it! I woke up early and ran easy for an hour to get my longish run in. This is by the far the longest run I've had so far. Happily, I am less tired after this run than I used to be after running just 2 miles. I'm so glad I made it past those first few weeks when I was just tired all the time!
I'm making everyone on this blog a promise. Every night this week I will get my darn self in bed by 10:30. On penalty of sniffing my husband's socks after a run. EW!!! (Sorry James.)
Later that night (by 5 pm really). . . "I am exhausted . . . All non-essential systems shutting down . . . I can hardly move . . . all energy focused to type fdasjkajfd;k. . .things are getting blurry. . . z z z ."