I ran 5 straight miles (10 m/m) on my own treadmill and nothing hurt. My cardio is much improved because of the elliptical. But I just love my treadmill. It's engine has been overhauled once, I've replaced the belt once. It's been tuned up twice. It has over 12,000 miles on it. But the best part of my treadmill is the wooden deck. It gives and almost bounces so running feels low impact. I ran and treated myself to back-to-back episodes of Arrested Development (season 2) in anticipation of the upcoming 10 new episodes and movie. I go to the trainer later today, but he's gone after my glutes and hams so hard that the tendons behind my knees are really, really sore. My butt and hams feel great though. A lot stronger. It seems all the personal trainers at the gym have a vendetta against runners and an agenda to shape up our back-sides and lower abs which-- they swear is the root of all running problems. I just can't let the meat head wreck my other set of tendons. I'm already one down. Even with 1,700-2,000 miles a year under my belt for the past 6-7 years -- I've never had any real knee issues and I don't intend to get any before ski season. |