10:03 ap Today's run was hard following yesterday's 9. In addition I had at least 1 mile of 35% grade at mile 2 and mile 5. Today's weather made me remember last year trying to do speed work outs pre-Boston on those same hills up and down up and down; panicked about whether or not I could run Boston with any grace. It was the beginning of the end of last year. Running this hard in February is a crime against nature. All white people should be hibernating right now. Our genes have adapted to closing shop for the winter in order to survive our Northern European winters. Why am I running? Someone please remind me to never sign up for a Marathon before May. I like skiing more than I like Marathon training. I don't mind running and skiing, but it's training that takes up the mojo. Everyone keeps whining about this incoming storm. When will it stop? I am sick of this weather....While they whine; I am silently giddy and begin to peruse the national weather service snow reports to see how many inches are predicted. Last week was only the second good storm we’ve had all winter. I had a moment last weekend so beautiful and perfect it has sustained me and given me strength all the days of this week. Here it is: On my first lift ride up I could see the quality and quantity of the newly fallen snow (36 inches of Pow). I rushed off the lift without slowing, and flew over top of the rim at Bishop's Bowl. I caught a good bit of air, taking my breath away, until I landed about 10 feet from the lip. The snow so soft and ample, the landing caught my skis in a downy embrace as I floated the rest of the way down the bowl; literally in heaven. I spend days and weeks longing for those moments of beauty and freedom. Without the bike trail behind my house, this has become my only connection to the outdoors I crave so much.