7 miles this morning at BHNP. Ran the warm up with mainly the boys and then hopped in with some of the girls and boys on the Fartlek workout. 4x3:00min. w/3:00min. recovery and then 2x:30sec. w/:30sec. recovery in the middle. Happy with how they ran today. It is always super humid there so of course I was drenched and the team gave me funny looks :)
6 more miles this afternoon pushing Oliver in the jogging stroller. Had a little bit of cloud cover and wind which was nice. He loves riding in the jogging stroller. I look forward to the day he can either ride his bike or run a little with me. Pushing the stroller is hard work.
My thoughts and prayers are with Terri Lusk who was hit by a car this morning while running. Also, thoughts and prayers with Ally Holt who was running with her. A very sad and unfortunate situation. Please be careful out there and remember to hug those you love. A lot as been on my mind today.