5 miles in Las Vegas.
4.63 miles at Del Sol (Leg 2).
1.5 warm-up and cooldown.
Dave, Nick, Adam, Clyde, James, and me went out for an easy 5 miles this morning along the Las Vegas Strip. It was fun running in and out of cars and trying not to get hit. Great 60 degree weather.
We drove down and eventually made it to Wickenburg (where Del Sol starts) and had a little bit of time to relax. We started had 6 PM so we had a couple of hours to kill. It was going to be fun in Van 1 which included Dave, Nick, Clyde, Walter, James, Steve Hooper and me. This was going to be a blast. Google eventually showed up while we were waiting around along with another Running Store from Tucson who looked like they had a couple of ringers. I got my gear on and did a 1 mile warmup with Clyde and Dave. I had the 2nd leg in this relay so I was getting the little slap bracelet from good old Dave. Dave started out well and dropped the Google guy pretty quick. We hurried to the next exchange and waited for Dave. He ended up coming in dead even with the Running Store from Tucson. This was going to be close. I started running at 6:30ish. My 1st run had a gradual uphill climb for just over 4.6 miles. Here were my splits:
1- 4:52 = feeling good and feeling a little antsy just to get going
2- 5:04 = finally relaxed
3- 5:27
4- 5:19
.63- 5:17
My time was 24:01 and I averaged 5:11/mile overall. It had a decent headwind and never stopped the entire time. I was happy with this start. I ended up having to wear a reflective vest and headlamp. Not my favorite things to wear. I guess the guy I ran against from the Running Store was pretty upset about not keeping up with me. He finished and was kicking dirt all over. Sorry buddy! I then did a .50 mile cooldown. I could write more about everybody else and what happened in the race but I am sure Sasha will elaborate much more eloquently so I will let him do it. |