I was up north taking care of some family things and stayed with my grandparents who live in Huntsville so I could run part of the Ogden Marathon course. I ran with Ben VanBeekum today and it was good catching up with him. We started at 7:30am and it was a balmy 5 degrees. We ran up towards the monastery and then along the marathon course over towards Eden. This section of the marathon has some good rollers so I was excited to see what would happen. We did a 4.35 mile warm up and then did 3 x 2 miles with one mile recovery in between each set. I had frost all over my eyelashes and eyebrows so I was curious to see how the splits would pane out. Here they are: 1st set - 5:22, 5:25, 2nd set - 5:21, 5:38 (3 decent hills on this section), 3rd set - 5:26, 5:29. We then cooled down back over to my grandparent's house. I was very happy with the times especially with how cold it was. The sun came out eventually and by the time we finished the run it warmed up to 8 degrees! Really happy about taking a warm shower after wards! Solid week of running. Happy to get 2 solid speed workouts in. Need to continue this.