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Cottonwood Heights,Ut,USA

Member Since:

May 17, 2008



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

Pony Express 50 miler  2009   13:19

*** 50K PR is 7:11 Red Mountain 50K  2010

Red Mountain 50k 2008

   Goblin Valley 50K (twice)

Antelope Island 50k


24 hours of Moab (dropped out at 42 miles)

Antelope Island 25K

***  Marathon PR is 4:50 (St. George)

14 St. George Marathons

Portland Marathon

2 Ogden Marathons

2 Park City Marathons

Top of Utah

*** Half Marathon PR is 2:18 (Bryce Canyon)

Hobble Creek Half

Provo River Half

Salt Lake City Half

Bryce Canyon Half

Painters Half

Short-Term Running Goals:

I did it!!!  Pony Express 50 miler!!   13:19 !  Oct. 16, 2009

 2011 Race Calendar:

Feb. Aloha Race - Honolulu

April Red Mountain 30K

April  SL Running Co. 5K

May Running with Angels 5K

July Bryce Canyon Half Marathon

Aug. Park City Half Marathon

Oct. St. George Marathon

Sept. Little Grand Canyon Half Marathon

Provo Halloween Half Marathon

Nov. Mesquite Half Marathon

2012 Race Calendar

Jan New Years Revolution Race at Oval (14 miles)

April Red Mountain 30K

July Bryce Canyon Half Marathon

Aug. Park City Half Marathon

Oct. St. George Marathon

Oct. Halloween Half Marathon

Nov. Mesquite Half Marathon

Dec. Honolulu Marathon

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay fit enough to run marathons all thru my life


I started running at age 40 (14 years ago!)  I am married to Harold, he is a super supportive husband and we enjoy running and biking the trails along the Wasatch Front together. Between us we have 7 children and 9 grandchildren.  I am really having fun trying new races in scenic parts of Utah, I am a newbie in the ultrarunning world, I am slow, but love everything about it!  I have a lot to learn,but I am enjoying the journey.  

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Harold and I just followed Kunfublondes instructions on inserting pictures. This is Paul in the hospital, with Bus the horse dog. 

This morning was my run with the chicks, Jen and Lisa and I.  They run a little faster than I do when I run solo, so I am panting like an old woman, it is good for me.  It was 36 degrees when we started.  I bundled up enough that it wasn't that bad.

I made it thru the weekend without gaining weight!  Yesterday was tough, because I wasn't the greatest Friday night (Iggys) and Sat. So on Sunday whent they passed around the chocolate in RS I passed it up, and then at the Birthday Party I took a 32 oz. diet coke to keep my mouth occupied.  It worked!

8.3 pounds away from goal (down .7 from Friday)

Oh, I have a private swim lesson today at noon, and then I am doing Zumba at 7:00pm, I am trying to do a class at the rec center every weeknight at 7:00  They have Zumba on Mon. and Wed. and Yoga on Tue. and Thur.  I am going to check out the yoga, if there are men in it, I am going to try and talk Harold into joining me. I am not sure he will go for it or not.

Okay, I am too depressed to do Zumba, I would die of embaressment if I started  panting in class.... BUT  I did go have my private swim lesson and the teacher said I was pretty good, she gave me a few tips on my form, so there is some good news.

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 09:42:50

Hey you!! GREAT weight!!! Great run! Good girl ;) I am late, so I gotta run. You are amazing for skipping the chocolate! NOT ME!! I can't skip it. I am an addict! :D Have a GREAT day!!!

From lisa on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 09:55:42

Great having you with us this morning. Good job on the diet. That's great that you are going to classes at the rec. Wish I could go with you.

From tarzan on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:05:32

Good job on holding back yesterday and on getting out and running today!

Just curious - when haven't you been panting lately?

From leslie on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:25:09

Maurine, I have been panting and breathing hard since July. I am hoping it is I am just out of shape from cutting back on my running from the PF and Paul, it actually has me a little worried, but I am afraid to give it a voice. Forget that I just said that!! I am hoping my 4 miles a day, 6 days a week will give me back a stronger base, and now I am going to add my evening workouts. Maybe I am just getting old!!! I want to feel like I did in the spring when I did Ogden and Red Mountain.

From tarzan on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:28:46

Leslie - I know - and it has me a bit concerned too. But, I think it might be stress and a bit of overtraining. Have you thought of taking an entire week off to let your body heal and see what that does? I know the recovery from my surgery seemed to help me.

From leslie on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:40:04

I was thinking I haven't trained enough, I don't know Maurine, I think 4 miles a day thru the end of the year will be okay for me, no long runs until after the New Year. I think the cross training will help. Hopefully. Maybe my fat butt is part of the problem, if I get my weight down, I won't be dragging so much.

From tarzan on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:51:38

Leslie - It sounds interesting. I will have to let you know later. My sister was thinking about coming over for the evening - so it will all depend upon that.

From leslie on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 11:00:47

Sissy comes first! If she doesn't come over and you want to join me just give me a call!

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 15:05:42

Hey Les- if you are really panting, and you have never before, and you are not sick, or having allergies, you need to watch that closely, OK?

From leslie on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 15:18:22

Marion, I will keep my eye on it, I have been concerned, I think I will be fine if I just stay slow, I think once a week with my young chicks going just a tad faster is about as fast as I want to go this year. I have no goals to get speedy, I just want to get my endurance up to go the distance. Thanks for looking out for me!!!

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 15:23:41

Is it only when you go faster than ususal, or every time you run?

From leslie on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 15:28:10

I notice it if I am going up hill or just alittle faster. I really do think it is I am just out of shape, my core and upper body is really weak. I need a whole body make over!! I just got back from my swim lesson, got some great tips and am going to practice acouple of times a week and do my exersize classes, and I bet by Painters I will be good to go!

From tarzan on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 15:44:10

And the last few months I have also noticed it (in Leslie) when:

- running with Tarzan

- flat land running

- downhill running

- the last 26.2 miles of a marathon

(remember folks - this lady took months to admit she had PF and didn't believe me that she wasn't ready to run 2 marathons in 2 weeks).

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 15:49:13

Leslie- when is your next Dr appt? If Maurine is accurate, you should have your lungs checked out, WITHOUT QUESTION. Is it probably nothing, yes! Do you need to make sure it is nothing, YES!!!

Maybe you are allergic to Tarzan and your little chicks!

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 17:59:41

I second the going to a doctor thing! You can never be too careful. And it would be nice to rule everything else out.

You do not have a fat butt---and it is shrinking steadily anyway! Great job on the weight loss (it is becasue you would not have one of my cookies!!) Almost there!!!

From leslie on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 18:21:02

you guys are scarying me!! I will check it out, I take iron tablets, that used to be a problem, I haven't had my lungs checked though. Kelli, I do want to rule things out.

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 18:39:35

Great- when is your appointment? :D

Do you feel the LOVE???? :D

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 18:40:37

ps- YOU ARE NOT FAT!!! You are a twiglett with the skinniest bum and legs I have ever seen!!!

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 18:40:59

Maurine- would you give her more chocolate!!!

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 18:43:12

We just have to listen to our bodies!! I am sure it is nothing, but it will put your mind at ease (and ours!)

From leslie on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 18:48:54

You guys are the best, but I am seriously scared now, crap, what if I have laquer lung from all the hairspray and I have cancer?? I just made an appt. for Thur. at 2:20. I can hardly wait and see what is up. I really appreciate the nudge everyone and Maurine, thanks for spelling it out, I am clueless sometimes.

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 18:53:06

Perfect! Just be sure to spell it out like, "I have been running for 12 years and in the last few months I have begun to have trouble breathing"

I am so glad you are going! The allergies have been really bad this year, who knows!! :)

Eat some chocolate! or maybe some tofu and quinoa!!1 I am loving the quinoa!!

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 18:53:50

That deadly aerosol hairspray!!! A necessary evil for sure.

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 18:54:52

Oh, and will you guys come and cook for me? I so do not try new recipes. I need to work on that.

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 18:58:39

Yes- I am free at about 10pm :)

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 19:01:08

Oh, good, then I can run before I eat dinner!

From leslie on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 19:27:33

I will make them check me over good and ask tons of questions, so I don't have to go back.

I am fixing a quinoa recipe that I got in Runners World tonight! I love the stuff! If it is good I will email it to you Marion.

Kelli, okay, one new healthy recipe a week, you can do it girl!!!

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 19:31:32

Starting tomorrow! My kids will be so amazed to see me cook again. It has literally been months! It should help me with that last 6 pounds, too.

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 19:32:28

Good for you Les- I'd love the recipe. We are having "Tot-cho's" Yes, I am making tater tot nachos! I am pretty sure it could not be more white trash and my family is going to love it! I hope! :)

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 19:34:57

Kelli- if you hav been eating out as much as you say you have, you'll drop 10 easy. Seriously! You know Sasha Science- this is WW leader Marion magic. I speak the truth! :)

From leslie on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 20:36:15

There is nothing like a good white trash dinner!! Is it tator tots with Velveta cheese? You are making Harold drool, because my dinner was waaaay to healthy and mediocre. I will spare you the recipe, it was a one hit wonder!

So Kelli, what's for dinner tomorrow? Maybe you could ask Marion for her recipe!!

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 20:50:06

This was a smash hit! "Tot-cho's" will live to see another meal. Ok here goes-

bake tots

once they are baked, sprinkle with ground beef, chili beans and cheese. Bake until cheese is melted

Serve, top with fresh tomatoes, lettuce, avacados, onions, sour cream and salsa. YUMM!!!

Voila! White trash dinner that EVERYONE loved!!!

Sorry your's did not turn out so well :(

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 22:02:45

Marion, I hope you are right. I HAVE been eating out, many days twice a day (my husband kept asking me to meet him for lunch, so I did!) After tonight, it is back to home cooking 6 days a week, and a GOOD dinner on date night, but within reason---no more appetizers and ice cream (one or the other, not both!)

Wprk your magic, that would be great! Losing easy seems like an oxymoron.

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 22:10:21

We are having the 1 point chili tomorrow (and corn bread and honey butter---that is where my points will go!)

I actually have the entire week planned out, not tofu or quinoa though! Isn't that stuff kind of like a pasta or rice or something? I have heard it is good for you.

Hey, Leslie, do you subscribe to Runner's World? This month had an article written by a new runner (just starting up running and chronicling it). It was HILARIOUS!!!

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 22:43:34

What directions for pcture adding. I missed it! Please direct me to it!! :) I love the pic!!!

Love 1 point chili. be sure to post your recipe tomorrow. I'll copy you for dinner!

From marion on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 22:47:49

Kelli- Points at restaurantes are often way underestimated. Home cooking gives you TONS more nutrients and a lot more "point" control. The money you save will pay for Boston :)

From kungfublonde on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 22:59:28

Kudos on the picture! My cooking and my blog style are taking over- hahaha!!!

Just kidding :)

I am still the new kid around here... who is Paul?

From tarzan on Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 11:01:11

Les - I feel bad that we have made you depressed. However, I have been worried about the breathing - so am glad you are checking it out.

KFB - Paul is Leslie's son-in-law. He suffered a stroke a few months ago from a tackle in a Rugby game.

From laurie on Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 20:32:00

I went to a health clinic at tosh and was surprised to find out that I have very mild asthma, and the dr. suggested that I follow up. It activates more in the winter from the cold and the inversion.

he said a classic symptom is coughing after running, which I always have if I have been breathing hard....just some food for thought

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