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Cottonwood Heights,Ut,USA

Member Since:

May 17, 2008



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

Pony Express 50 miler  2009   13:19

*** 50K PR is 7:11 Red Mountain 50K  2010

Red Mountain 50k 2008

   Goblin Valley 50K (twice)

Antelope Island 50k


24 hours of Moab (dropped out at 42 miles)

Antelope Island 25K

***  Marathon PR is 4:50 (St. George)

14 St. George Marathons

Portland Marathon

2 Ogden Marathons

2 Park City Marathons

Top of Utah

*** Half Marathon PR is 2:18 (Bryce Canyon)

Hobble Creek Half

Provo River Half

Salt Lake City Half

Bryce Canyon Half

Painters Half

Short-Term Running Goals:

I did it!!!  Pony Express 50 miler!!   13:19 !  Oct. 16, 2009

 2011 Race Calendar:

Feb. Aloha Race - Honolulu

April Red Mountain 30K

April  SL Running Co. 5K

May Running with Angels 5K

July Bryce Canyon Half Marathon

Aug. Park City Half Marathon

Oct. St. George Marathon

Sept. Little Grand Canyon Half Marathon

Provo Halloween Half Marathon

Nov. Mesquite Half Marathon

2012 Race Calendar

Jan New Years Revolution Race at Oval (14 miles)

April Red Mountain 30K

July Bryce Canyon Half Marathon

Aug. Park City Half Marathon

Oct. St. George Marathon

Oct. Halloween Half Marathon

Nov. Mesquite Half Marathon

Dec. Honolulu Marathon

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay fit enough to run marathons all thru my life


I started running at age 40 (14 years ago!)  I am married to Harold, he is a super supportive husband and we enjoy running and biking the trails along the Wasatch Front together. Between us we have 7 children and 9 grandchildren.  I am really having fun trying new races in scenic parts of Utah, I am a newbie in the ultrarunning world, I am slow, but love everything about it!  I have a lot to learn,but I am enjoying the journey.  

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
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Did a short run thru the neighborhood. The heels are little tender, but I will be fine for St. George, nothing a little Vit. I can't fix.  Dropped a couple of pounds, but still feel very heavy. I need to really focus on my diet this week and get in all my water.

From marion on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:12:08

Isn't it a beautiful day in the neighborhood!!! THe weather is the BEST ever!!!! It has to stay FOREVER!!!! Nice miles :) Take care of those heels!!!

From moe on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:12:36

Great on the weight!!- Marion I;m down a bit too!!! FINALLY!!!

From leslie on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 13:08:46

Moe, I can't get to your blog, is this Maurine? Who ever you are congrats on the weight loss!!

From marion on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 13:24:32

I am Moe. It is what Davids family calls me. We are Moe and Doe. That is what happens when you date a guy in high school and he has lots of little brothers and sisters :) At first we were Daygay and Maygay. I prefer the Moe and Doe ;)

From tarzan on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 13:26:55

See - it's all Marion's fault.

Kevin is coming over to spend the night. Yay - haven't seen him in a month! He is thinking of running a 5:15 pace with us in St. George since he hasn't trained as much as he should.

From leslie on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 13:37:15

Hey Moe! Yeah!!!! WE are both down!!! I need 4 more to get to my pre TOU weight, and then another 4 to reach LIFETIME!!!! I am going to have this done by Halloween FOR SURE!!!

Maurine, Good, Kevin and coax our sorry butts along and make us get a time of 5:15!!!! We will DO IT!!!!! Call me tonight so we can make plans for tomorrow.

From Kelli on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 15:02:28

Great job on the weight loss, that is awesome!!! I hit lifetime and then gained it almost all back training for a marathon, and then gorging after it on Halloween candy! So, stay strong and eat healthy!

I am so JEALOUS, by the way, about where you live! You have such beautiful places to run---great scenery!!! I grew up out there and I miss being by the mountains!

From leslie on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 17:08:53

Hey Kelli, you are from Cottnwood Heights?? I am in a culdesac that backs up to the Rec Center and Butler Middle. I LOVE it here too! I just read your profile and had to chuckle that you need to shed your last 8 pesky pounds!!! I am right there with you feeling your pain!!! I have done 2 marathons and an 50K this summer and can't seem to pry the fat off!! ( Of course I am a big fat cheater!!) So how much of your 8 is left to go? I will have to follow your entries and see how you do!! Good luck!! Thanks for writting!!! ARe you doing St. George?

From marion on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 17:14:08

You guys are both CRAZY and do not need to lose any more weight! You two are TOO HOT FOR WORDS!!! And I should know, I am a member of the HOT police! (I am not sure what that means at all... sort of creepy sounding :)

From leslie on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 17:42:49

Marion, You crack me up!! You can never stop blogging!!!! So are so not creepy, just histerical!!!!

From Teena on Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 12:42:42

Leslie --

Sorry about the heels. Congrats on the couple of pounds. If you want to lose a couple more come and chase my five rascals around ... you'll hit your target weight quicker than you thought possible - of course, you might have lost your sanity as well (but aren't most runners atleast slightly insane already?)!!

From leslie on Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 12:48:39

Thanks for the generous offer, I think running a marathon would be easier than chasing kids! I know I did it back in the day, but holy cow, they are hard work!!! You and the other young moms that run really are superstars!!!! I didn't start running until the kids were raised and I was 40! You guys amaze me, maybe it is a good stress reliever for you all. Good luck this last week before St. George!!

From Teena on Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 12:56:43

It's definitely good therapy!!! Plus ... it keeps me fit enough to catch those squirmy kids when they are running away from me!! Don't know how much longer that will last though!! :)

From Kelli on Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 13:00:18

I actually grew up in Sandy, but it has now been annexed into Cottonwood Heights. I lived right off of Creek Road and Highland Drive, but lived at the rec center all summer! In fact, I take my kids swimming there a few times each summer and they think it is the best pool out there (I agree!) They also love to go to Whitmore Library. The first time I took them they were amazed that a library could be so big. They beg to go to the pool and the library by grandma's house! Anyway, it is just so pretty over there!

I have about 5 pounds to go, give or take. This year with my marathon training I did better---last year I gained almost 10 pounds! It is really hard to eat right when you are famished all of the time from running! I did well through August and part of September, but have blown it the last few weeks! I have got to get my eating back under control, because the miles are going down SOON (yes, I am running ST George) and the food need to follow!!

Hey, Teena, I have five kids and the weight is not falling off of me. BUT that is because on your eating scale, I would probably rank at a -5 every day!

Thanks, Marion, I try to be as HOT as possible!

From leslie on Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 13:27:25

Hey neighbor!! Are you going to the Blogger party? I am not sure I will make it. Do you wear the FRB singlet? What time are you trying for? Good luck on the last 5 pounds! I am cheering for you.

Chocolate Gummi bears for the marathon....sounds better than gu!

From Kelli on Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 13:32:41

I couldn't wear a singlet and look good if my life depended on it! I typically run in all black (as marion, she has seen me, head to toe aside from my shoes), but it is gonna be hot so I am going to look for a lighter shirt today.

I am aiming for 3:40, praying for it, actually!! And I will be at the Blogger party for sure!! How about you? Time??

And good luck to you on the weight as well. WW is such s great program, I love it! Yesterday at my meeting the lady said, "Are you still trying to lose weight, cause if not we need to talk!" I am 11 pounds below my goal weight, but I made my goal weight EASY so I could be FREE quicker. Anyway, it made me feel good! I have even been called skinny once this week---love that! Any motivation keeps me going.

From leslie on Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 13:37:53

Kelli, you are my new ispiration, I thought I made my ww goal easy, but it is so hard, training for all these marathons does make it tough. I am always hungry! I know when I get to my goal I will want to go further, but it will take so much discipline!

I am not sure about the party, we have family that will be there.

I will be way behind you, I am hoping for 5:15!

From Kelli on Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 16:27:15

I read somewhere that you should never try to lose weight while training for a marathon---EVER! I struggled this year with fatigue some, but I just wanted to get some of the weight off while I was burning 3000 calories a day running!! I figured it would make it easier. Now, to keep it off and keep going will be the tricky part. I am like a fine tunes yo-yo, up and down pretty consistently!

And a marathon is still a marathon now matter when you finish! They are hard, hard, hard! We will watch for you around 5:15!!!

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