Trail Running Granny

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Cottonwood Heights,Ut,USA

Member Since:

May 17, 2008



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

Pony Express 50 miler  2009   13:19

*** 50K PR is 7:11 Red Mountain 50K  2010

Red Mountain 50k 2008

   Goblin Valley 50K (twice)

Antelope Island 50k


24 hours of Moab (dropped out at 42 miles)

Antelope Island 25K

***  Marathon PR is 4:50 (St. George)

14 St. George Marathons

Portland Marathon

2 Ogden Marathons

2 Park City Marathons

Top of Utah

*** Half Marathon PR is 2:18 (Bryce Canyon)

Hobble Creek Half

Provo River Half

Salt Lake City Half

Bryce Canyon Half

Painters Half

Short-Term Running Goals:

I did it!!!  Pony Express 50 miler!!   13:19 !  Oct. 16, 2009

 2011 Race Calendar:

Feb. Aloha Race - Honolulu

April Red Mountain 30K

April  SL Running Co. 5K

May Running with Angels 5K

July Bryce Canyon Half Marathon

Aug. Park City Half Marathon

Oct. St. George Marathon

Sept. Little Grand Canyon Half Marathon

Provo Halloween Half Marathon

Nov. Mesquite Half Marathon

2012 Race Calendar

Jan New Years Revolution Race at Oval (14 miles)

April Red Mountain 30K

July Bryce Canyon Half Marathon

Aug. Park City Half Marathon

Oct. St. George Marathon

Oct. Halloween Half Marathon

Nov. Mesquite Half Marathon

Dec. Honolulu Marathon

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay fit enough to run marathons all thru my life


I started running at age 40 (14 years ago!)  I am married to Harold, he is a super supportive husband and we enjoy running and biking the trails along the Wasatch Front together. Between us we have 7 children and 9 grandchildren.  I am really having fun trying new races in scenic parts of Utah, I am a newbie in the ultrarunning world, I am slow, but love everything about it!  I have a lot to learn,but I am enjoying the journey.  

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
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BURRRR!! It was 10 degreees when I went out this morning, I am still trying to thaw out! I ran my Danish Road route, very slow. I was thinking as I was running that with my heel problem my slow pace is a good thing, last summer when I tried to speed up with my young Running Chicks, I was miserable. So maybe I will be the token old lady that goes slow on the fastrunning blog. It is okay with me. 

Today starts the big contest. I am excited and nervous.  At some point today  I will do my fitness test  ( Tarzan did hers yesterday) and post the results and then I will also go to the gym and do my strength training.  Right now I have to run downtown to rescue my silly husband, he wore mis-matched shoes to work and I need to go save the day!!!!

Okay girls and boys, heres to a PERFECT week!  Just one tiny little 7 day period.

Evening Update!

Went to Golds Gym with Harold, Julie, Jana, and Maurine, we wanted to kick off our Biggest Loser Contest together.  Maurine and I did the 1st day Circuit Training program from the Making the Cut book by Jillian Micheals.  It was a KILLER!  I had to modify quite a few of the exersizes, Maurine is in much better shape than me (and younger!)  Then we went and did 30 min on the eliptical machine in the Cardio Cinema and watched Back to the Future, it was a lot of fun, but I would never join, I like my Cottonwood Heights Rec Center too much and it is in my backyard.  I added 2 miles to my post today for the eliptical.

I had a perfect day today.  2 1/2 hours of exersize and great nutrition all day!!! 

From tarzan on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 11:23:43

So nice of you to rescue Harold! Brave girl getting out in the cold.

From leslie on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 12:58:29

hey, it is 11:00 and so far a perfect day!! I have already had all my water for the day and no diet coke!!! I am going to do this!!!!!

Tarzan, my Yaxtrack broke on my run today, I need to get the screws you got. What were they called?

From Kelli on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 14:28:43

7 days and counting...easy stuff!

I can not believe that your husband wore mismatched shoes to work, that is so funny!!!

What is the fitness test?

From Smooth on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 15:56:05

GOOD JOB braving the cold and FIVE miles. YAY to drinking water and rescuing your hubby. How funny!!! First work day of the year after the holiday can be stressful, I guess.

I think you can use "sheet metal screws". They are short with hexagon head. I recommend putting no more than 2 screws in the heel and the forefoot areas.

From tarzan on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 16:14:49


I bought the La Sportiva Hobnail kit.

You can also use sheet metal screws (as Smooth mentioned) - but they sometimes wear out or fall out.

From leslie on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 17:09:54

It is 3:00 and I have had a perfect day so far. I am going to go make Taco Soup for dinner and have a salad! No diet coke either, I am going to try and keep off it for one week, I am not going to commit to more than that right now.

Kelli, the fitness test I am talking about is in Jillian Micheals book, "Making the Cut" I still haven't done it, but I will before the night is over, I will do terribly, I tried to do a push up the other night and couldn't do one, I will try again. I am going to follow her circuit training program for 12 weeks, while I am doing the contest.

Smooth and Maurine, thanks for the tips on the shoes, I need to something, my Yaxtrax broke!

From Marion on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 17:47:17

(I am fat and ugly)

Hi guys! You are all so inspiring! Ok running indoors in my sports bra and shorts is really gross! My gut is SICK and wrong. I think Sasha is right, that i need to lose 40 more pounds! I am going to clean my house, make dinner and then take down my christmas trees(yes there are TWO) and THEN I AM GOING TO CRAWL INTO MY BED AND FEEL SORRY FOR MYSELF UNTIL MORNING!!! Then I am going to get up and run 5 miles and eat like a rabbit/horse until I have lost 107 pounds! then I will run faster and be cute and never think I look fat again. I will wear my sports bra and short shorts everywhere and people will fall over DEAD in amazement. I will have this all accomplished by January 17th. I will also be tan and grow 4 more inches! Yeah that's it! I may get butt implants too!

(I haven't had any diet Pepsi in a while.. can you tell???)

From leslie on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 17:57:00

Marion, Okay girl, I can appreciate the day you are having and your frame of mine, but you know it is bull kaka and you are really an amazing woman and you have come SOOOOO far!! We are going to have so much fun in ST. George, hey, we could all wear some fake butt implants for the race and do some spray on tanning the night before and wear bright pink outfits with matching earrings!! Oh, baby, here we come!!!! Okay, stay away from the Diet Pepsi for just a few more hours and you will have a whole day under your belt, you can do it!!!!!!! Look at your picture on your blog, you are drop dead gorgous!!!!! You look like a freaking teenager!!!!!!

From Marion on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 18:05:08

I am liking the outfit idea. Oh yeah- I say we come up with hot pink and red combination. I like this.

Ok ladies- it is hot pink and red, in any combination- but there has to be a combination. Jewelry too! Ok- I have a new mission, i have a new purpose!

Does anyone know what the temperature will be like? Jon & Scott are going to LOVE this. NO WHINING KELLI!!! :D I've got red knee-hi's and pink knee-hi's- so I could wear one of each. I wonder if I can make red and pink hair scrunchies. FUN! Can I bedazzle my running shoes???

Thanks Leslie!! I feel so much better!

From leslie on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 18:14:41

Let's do it! There are always a few fun outfits at the races, I think we should go for it!!! Gotta get back to my soup!!! Can you just see Scott in pink running shorts???

From leslie on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 18:27:41

Oh yeah, Jon too! Maybe he could dye his tutu and carry a Hot pink sparkly wand! I actually saw a group of gals running St. George that had shirts that said "Running in Pink", they had pink outfits and pink fuel belts or was it pink bottles on the fuel belts, there was one guy with him and he had a black shirt with pink writting that said "Running in Pink Coach" It was great!

From Marion on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 19:07:08

Scott and Jon will be hOT!!!gggggggggggggggggggg





Sorry, Will was typing :)

I am going to target for some cute stuff!

From Kelli on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 23:17:53

Oh my goodness, I go to the dentist for the afternoon, and now I have to go shopping for pink!

What kind of weather am I shopping for?

Scott is one particular dude when it comes to his running clothes, so count him out. PLUS, he is one huge party pooper. He is way too serious, just ask JON. He would not even don a tutu for the tutu run. BIG PARTY POOPER!

From Kelli on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 23:20:02

Oh, and Marion you are beautiful!!! But thanks for making me feel more human. I did not think you ever had bad days!!

Leslie, not a perfect day, but still within my points. I did not want to use my activity points, but we had cupcakes at my nephews b-day party and they looked too good! DANG PARTIES!!! I thought they were over. So, points wise, PERFECT, but not perfect choice wise. I did have a diet coke, but I am okay with that! I am just finishing it right now!

From Kelli on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 23:29:03

Me, again. I just read your update! Great job. I need to see this book! What was in her circuit for today? Give me examples!!!!!

From leslie on Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 00:17:48

Kelli, they were tough for me, strange push ups, burpies ( I HATE HATE those),alot of them were different than your regular workouts. Maurine had to figure them out. You are a work out girl, you might enjoy them, it was out of my league, but I will continue to do them and modify.

I didn't even miss my diet coke today, I am not giving them up all together, I know better, there are days I have to have one or I would eat the whole house, but today I was pretty excited about this contest, I hope my motivation will continue, so far so good.

Hey if you stayed within your points that is a victory! I say we did good Kelli girl!!!!

From tarzan on Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 12:15:56

Leslie - yes, I am in better shape - but I busted my butt for a year with the personal trainer to get there.

May I make a kind suggestion? Mentally, you are quitting before you start. You want to get in shape, but you want it to be easy. Watch Biggest Loser - they are clumsy and tired at first - but once they get the mentality that they are going to beat the exercise, then they can.

You need to do every exercise, no matter how bad your form is at first. If you have to rest for a few seconds, rest the minimum amount possible, then go on to complete the exercise.

If you start with the idea that it is too hard, then it will be. You need to be stronger than your will is if you want to succeed.

Lecture over.

From leslie on Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 12:19:27

You know me too well. I am like that with most things, I am a "coaster" not a "grab the bull by the horns" girl. Okay, I will try and adjust my attitude and work harder. I did go to the gym this morning and did my Day 2 Circuit, it was tough. I am going to go post my entry now. Thanks for the lecture! I know you are %100 right!

From Kelli on Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 16:55:09

Oh, man, I dislike burpees, too!!! They kick your tush, but they are good for you!

I have to comment on what Tarzan said---it is VERY important to also focus on form for two reasons: you do not want to get hurt, and if the form is not right you are not really doing the work!! So, although you may want to be tough and do 30 burpees (or however many she says to do), make sure that your form is right! If you can only do 10 with proper form, ONLY DO 10!!! Go for 11 the next time. If these are "hard core" (which I assume they are, knowing Jillian), then you may not be able to do as many as she says to start and still keep good form!

I KNOW you can do it, you are tough! Just take the time to learn the exercises and do them right!!

Look, now you have had two lectures!

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