Miserable day yesterday (and into the night) with 2 children each having violent throw-up for about 6-10 hours. Luckily, Mike and I were both well and could take care of them. Since I was already up early this morning with the baby, I figured I might as well go running with Lynn at 6:00. I warned her that I was going to be as slow as a slug today because of yesterday and last night. She didn't seem to mind - bless her. I thought I would have to turn around early or at least walk a little, but once I started running, my legs just keep going. It was a weird and somewhat exhilarating experience. I hope we're all able to get some naps today. -------------- Nice, long nap - feeling human again. My knee didn't like my run today, though. I iced it for about half and hour, and then wore my brace for a couple hours, but it still feels swollen and unhappy. Blast. |