I was only able to get in 2 miles until my little ones woke up from a nap. Oh well. We're potty training our 8 year old (with special needs) and 2 year old daughters this Christmas break. If anyone has any extra prayers and sympathy -we'll take 'em! :) It's actually going better than I expected. My 8 year old is doing pretty well and is willing to sit on the toilet and have success - when we're lucky. My 2 year old is doing GREAT! She wakes up in the morning dry, asks to sit on the toilet to go pee, and pooped in the toilet for the first time today (never mind she also had 2 pee accidents. Oh well ... we're close, though!) It's almost miraculous to think that at least one, maybe TWO of our 3 kids might be potty trained soon. Miraculous. I though I'd have 3 in diapers for-e-ver. :)