Specific endurance intervals today. 75 degrees when I started and 85 degrees by the time I finished this run. Felt like Death Valley in the middle of the summer! But wanted to get this run in before it gets hotter - high temps and winds all week in San Diego.
I might have let the temperature get in my head a little bit. 75 degrees just isn't that hot . . .
Planned workout was warm up / 2 miles @ half pace / 1.5 miles @10K pace / 0.5 @ 5K pace (3 minute recoveries) / cool down. I was able to run the half marathon pace (6:50) for 2 miles but could not quite reach 10K pace (6:30) - and I didn't even attempt 5K pace (6:15). Also had to adjust the length of the intervals.
2 mile warm up
2 miles @ 6:50 (walked 3 minutes for recovery)
1 mile @ 6:40 - couldn't get to 6:30 (walked 3 minutes for recovery)
1 mile @ 6:50
2 miles cool down
Another run where I was just happy to get inside afterwards!