I hate wind. Workout was 6 x 1 mile at 10K pace (6:30) with 3 minute active recoveries. The wind in Wisconsin made me work for it again. I wasn't able to hit the 10K pace very consistently because I was being blown all over the place! I thought about quitting about half way through each of the working reps. But I perservered somehow! Usually after a very hard workout, I feel good about the effort, but after this one I was just glad to go inside and get out of the wind!
2 mile warmup
mile 1 - 6:39
mile 2 - 6:33
mile 3 - 6:44
mile 4 - 6:47
mile 5 - 7:05
mile 6 - 6:41
1.5 mile cool down
Last run in Wisconsin. Heading back to San Diego today!