I couldn't run outside today because of the smell of fires burning in the air. There aren't any warnings to stay inside, but even 30 mile south of the fires, I can smell it. Very very hot, dry, and windy again - fueling wildfires for the third straight day. Thousands of acres burned in 9 separate fires. Homes burned and one person killed. Hope the wind shifts tomorrow and it cools down.
Threshold run on treadmill.
1 - warmup
15 minutes at 6:48 = 2.1 miles
2 minute rest interval
17 minutes at 6:48 - 2.4 miles
1 - cooldown
Felt pretty good during these intervals. It was hot in the gym, so they were a challenge. But got through them with some pep talks. You feel good. You feel relaxed. You can do any thing for 5 minutes. Etc.