45 minute Soul Cycle class in Tribeca with one of my colleagues. Soul Cycle is a spinning cult in NYC. Certain instructors have attained rock star status. Their classes fill up seconds after they open. I was on a wait list for a bike and apparently very lucky to get a spot in this class.
Some devotees reporedly spend over $20K a year on classes. Another bought real estate based on proximity to the studio. One 45 minute class is $40. http://nymag.com/thecut/2013/01/evolution-of-soulcycle.html
The studio has 6 class rooms that turnover every 45 minutes. There are about 75 bikes in each class. I felt like was in the middle of a mosh pit . . . that was moshing to house music.
I totally get why people like it. It's a team effort to get through the workout, which was very challenging. My quads were feeling spent by the end!
I wouldn't pay $40 for 45 minutes of spin regularly, but I count this as sightseeing. You won't find this anywhere else in the world!