Kohler's loop including a run around the pond. I'm looking at ways to increase my daily run from seven miles to eight. I think if I start out heading south towards the elementary school and then down to the canal and out to 48th that I'd have it. I didn't run yesterday because even though I went to bed about a half an hour earlier, I woke up with abdominal cramps and generally feeling sickly. The cramps bothered me off and on throughout the day, but were gone this morning. I'm not quite sure what brought that on, perhaps some little bug (that might also have been the reason I was feeling so tired earlier in the week). Today's run went well, but it was a little bit more of an effort than I expected. I'm going to try to get 10 to 12 in tomorrow morning before I run with the family in the Cedar Hills race. My youngest daughter Amelia is quite excited about it as it's her first race. She hasn't trained very much, so I'm a little bit afraid that she'll be discouraged to find that she's at the back of the pack. I'm hoping that it will be more of motivator to work harder for the next one.