AM- 3 miles to AC and back easy. I felt good.
PM- 7 miles w/ long hill. We went down to the corner by the beginning of miquito trail then up to the end of green springs. Felt good at first, but then all these stickers got stuck in my shoes so then I stopped to take them out (they were making an annoying noise scraping on the ground) and there was a zillion, so I fell way back, so I basically tempoed really fast to catch up and I finally did! I really felt good other than my stomach was super uncomfortable because of gas. But really I realized I am the only one holding myself back. I really have put this limit on myself that I have run a certain speed, so that's what I should run. But really I CAN run much faster if I push myself. That's what I am hoping to set out to do the rest of the winter! |