Fund raiser 5k with my girls. The race started at 8, so I assumed if I got up at 7, we'd be fine. What I should have done was got their stuff put together on Friday night. As it was, we frantically ran around the house looking for shoes, socks, suitable shorts, and left around 7:45 for the starting line. The girls rode their bikes so their legs wouldn't get too tired. Ash sported an extra small shirt from Hobble 1/2 last year; Anna found something suitable to wear. Nena also dressed to run. She's been threatening to train for a half marathon at the end of the summer, but with a challenging academic schedule, she just hasn't found the time. This race was to be her kick-off. I lined up with the little ones at the back. We planned to Galloway the 5k, with 4 minutes of easy running and 1 minute of walking, repeat as necessary. Everything went smoothly until Anna tripped on a crack on the sidewalk just before mile two. Of course she splattered on her hands and knees, scraping them but not drawing any blood. She cried for a couple minutes, but got right back to work despite her mishap. With .5 to go, Anna was very tired. I sent Ash ahead to finish at her desired pace; Anna stuck with me. By now the run to walk ratio was down to 2:1. She didn't believe that we were getting closer until we turned the corner and the finish line was in sight. In a mad sprint, she dashed ahead, finishing in 38:11. I came in a few seconds later, glad she hadn't tripped in her exuberance. Ash finished in 36 minutes, Nena in 28. I had no idea how they would do, but I'm impressed with their effort and determination. 
(recovery chocolate shakes pictured above) Both the little ones want to run a Memorial day 5k. Woods Cross sponsors a free event, with pancakes afterward. Thus begins a dynasty of mid-packery.