Went up this morning to Cedar with my dad to watch some former high school teammates and future collegiate teammates run at the Color Country Invite. It's crazy to think that I'll be joining them in a few months. The UVU women won the meet and it looks like they have a pretty solid team. The men ran pretty well and one of their runners actually won the meet. I'm excited to start running with them in January. I got together with Jaiden a little later for my run. We ran about 7.5 out in Little Valley/Washington Fields. I felt alright, but I've noticed that my lungs are pretty much tired right from the beginning, and it actually gets a little easier to breath as I keep running. So it's easier for me to have a conversation in the middle of my run than the beginning. Kinda weird, I don't remember it being that way before I went on my mission, haha. It was the longest I've run since I've been back and I felt pretty good so it was a positive run.