15 miles with Tyler, Scott, and John. 7:49 average
Decided to give it a go at the long run despite my arch locking up a few times over the last couple of days. I told myself I would just start easy and if things got bad I would stop. The first slight tightening of the left arch occured at mile 1.5 despite running the first mile at 8:42. After this first instance of my arch issue I paid particular attention to it to see what might be causing the issue.
The next "tightening" occured at 3.5. This is where I noticed that it occured only on left turns. For the remainder of the run I purposely took any left turn super wide and only on one more occasion did my left arch tighten up. We increased our pace over the run and even logged one mile at 6:00 to see if speed caused any issue and thankfully it didn't.
PM-stretched a few times throughout the day and then did some foam rolling and hot tub time before bed. Going to focus the next couple of months on stretching and a little strenthening, perhaps.
(also, I think there is a good chance that my slight foot niggle could be due to running too many miles on my shoes so I pulled out a new pair today and they felt great)