AM- Adventure run today- 90 min drive to run the most remote section of Foothills Trail, the last portion of Laurel Valley. Generally enjoyed myself. Felt good considering the mileage on my legs this week. The run didn't seem extremely hilly, but Garmin Connect put the total at 6000 ft climbing even (Sportracks said 8000, Training Center said 14000). But the overall altitude was only 1100 to 2200, so no huge climbs. Just steep stairs, on and on- it adds up. Started at Bad Creek, ran .63 miles to FHT, then ran backwards all the way to Bear Gap (10.75 miles on watch, 10.1 on FHT). Only saw 2 groups of people the whole time, one of which lent me a filter to get more water- I ran out due to very high humidity/heat. 22 miles in 4:17- rather slow. But very technical in spots and hilly. I'll throw up a few pictures after 2 notes to remember. First, there are some huge spiders that make nasty, nasty, super sticky and thick webs. Ugh. After running face-first into my third, I started carrying a stick in front of me. Second, I had some kind of red, biting bug swarm follow me. I can only describe them as some kind of Spawn of Satan- they are terrible. But they forced me to go faster, no matter how tired I was or how steep the trail- every time I slowed to a walk, they swarmed all over my face, biting me. Beyond annoying. Finished by meeting the family at a local farm to pick blueberries and blackberries for 2 hours. Now watching Western States online.  Humid day when you can't see the trees on the drive there...  Yes, it is worth 90 min drive to run on this glory 
You try running up these while being accosted by Spawn of Satan insects!!!  Spider webs weren't quite this bad, but close...
Saw beautiful Hilliard Falls  Somebody hauled these stairs into the middle of nowhere. Steep and long.