Ouch - another failure on the marathon attempt:
The race was an inaugral event in my hometown, and it was awesome to get to run on the closed down roads that I train on daily. Turned out to be a huge event with about 600 in the full and 2500 in the half. A random finisher of the half or full would win Cummins diesel engine truck! (~50k value) - I did not win :)
Anyway, the race went a lot like some of the other marathons I have run. Great for 20 miles, then not so great. In training, I have been running a whole lot more mileage, and long runs at marathon pace. Everything I had been doing looked like it was telling me that a 2:52:xx was my target. So, I set out to run that time.
First 20: 6:35, 31, 33, 45, 32, 28, 35, 35, 31, 34, 37, 37, 36, 32, 30, 30, 40, 26, 34, 38
Last 10k: 6:49, 7:01, 7:15, 7:25, 7:50, 8:18, 3:13 for 0.39
This is the worst I remember feeling at the end of a marathon in a while. People later said that the temperature climbed in to the warm range near the end of the marathon... I don't remember feeling it get warmer, but I certainly remember how dead I was by about mile 22. Check out the pace graph :)
Additional comments after reflection time:
I carried 3 GUs with me with specific plans to eat one at 7-8mi., half and a caffeinated gel between 16-18mi. I probably should've had one more for about mile 22-23. I remember feeling like I was in trouble around 20 mi. and for some reason told myself to plow on through the water stops. There was even a critical point at mile 23.5 where there were GUs and some nutrition to consume - this spot would've saved me, I think. I also realized that I only remember one aid station with sports drink. I would've been doing alot better with more early on and throughout the race and a couple more gels... probably... I did not race smart. After 12 of these things you would think I would know better - I hate to say it, but this one was another learning experience instead of a victory. Right now, its hard to stomach the idea of going through this again Nov. 2 :( I guess it would help if I were able to walk.