AM: 10 mile race in Louisville, KY this morning. Its a fun one, and well organized. Its one of the bigger races I run in throughout the year - about 7000 people. Set my daggone alarm clock for the work (weekday) setting and did not wake up until 6:15 - about the time I wanted to leave to pick up Nathan this morning. Again - my apologies, Nate.
We barely got there in time for Nathan to register, and us to get to the start line in time. The weather was great, with the exception of the headwind coming back. The race for me, was an hour long battle with my quads. From mile 1, a tightness crept in to both quads that never quit the entire race. First 2 miles, the splits were about where I wanted to be, but the quad issue troubled me, since I knew that the difficult climbing of Iroquois Park loomed ahead for miles 2.5 through about mile 6. Coming back, the wind picked a bit, I think and we had a good headwind to slow us down for the miles 7-9. The course then turned out of the wind for the last mile. The splits reflect as much.
6:00, 5:56, 6:12, 6:15, 6:17, 6:14, 5:51 (coming down out of Iroquois), 6:09, 6:09, 6:00, and then 0:14 for the additional 0.05. I managed a good kick at the end to hold off a herd of guys (and gal) that had traded places with me throughout the race.
2 minute course PR, and a good indicator of about what I should expect my half marathon pace to be (on a flat course) - 1:01:16 for 40th Place