Ran with Kim and Paula today. We met early and ran from Kim's brother's house to the Jordan River Parkway. This was the first time that I had run on it and it was great. I will be going back for sure. We had a mini blog party as we saw Brent and he ran with us for a few minutes and then Leslie and Lisa. It was nice to chat with everyone for a few minutes along the way. We were slower on the first 8 then we were coming back. Coming back we had some miles in the 8 range. Our mileage is based on the reading of my ipod + and I had stopped and started and missed a few times. I think our actual mileage was closer to 16 and our pace quicker than the 9:45 listed. I would think more around 9:30 or so, but I am going to stick with what was in black and white for training purposes. Kim and Paula both did a great job! It was so nice of Kim to spend the night in SLC so that we could run together, she is doing such an awesome job with her training. This was Paula's longest run ever and she did great, there are many more to come for her. Overall, I felt great today. A little stiff and sore at the beginning but worked through it quickly. I felt like if I had another GU and stayed on the parkway where there is shade I could have gone 18 maybe even 20. You gotta love days like today!
Happy Running! |