AM - 12 miles w/ Andrea (bike). PM - 5 miles w/ the biker again. You know how sometimes its annoying when those stupid Garmins measure a course wrong? Well, thanks to the most fantastic birthday present ever from Allie and James, I'll never have to worry about that again. I'm not sure if they developed it themselves or stole a prototype Fast Running Friend from Sasha, but this baby is legit. Its got 4 CPUs, 3-D holograms that show you where you are relative to the 1, 5, 8, and 10 minute guys, and it never runs out of battery because its powered by a sixth generation arc reactor that would make Tony Stark jealous.
It said I ran 100 meters in front of our condo in 9.2 seconds so I don't even need to calibrate it! :-)