AM - 13 miles. 15K AT Tempo in 50:41 (5:26/mile). AZ tempo loop. 3 up, 1 down. Wanted to keep it ~5:30 pace so maybe just a smidge too quick, but still in the right effort range. Splits - 5:27, 5:34, 5:28, 5:18, 5:25, 5:30, 5:23, 5:31, 5:27, 1:36.
PM - 4 miles.

Spent the afternoon at the Rio Salada Sportsman's Club near Usery Pass (where the PHX Marathon starts) playing with some of my parents' new toys. I haven't done a push-up in about 2 months, and that was evident after the first shot with the .357 Magnum :-) We did a lot of sporting clays too, which I am definitely NOT very good at, but it's a fun challenge. Good times... typical Krong family holiday activity. We're only at 3/4 strength this year, though, because my sister went to Europe with her boyfriend for a couple weeks.