AM - 15 miles. 3 warmup, 10 mile AT progression in 53:45 (5:23/mi avg), 2 cooldown. Splits - 5:35, 5:33, 5:28, 5:24, 5:24, 5:20, 5:18, 5:21, 5:16, 5:06. Always feels good to knock out a solid workout to start off the week. In addition to the new OTQ standards, something of interest (to me) that came out of the USATF meeting is that Twin Cities will be the site of the USA Marathon Championships for 2013 and 2014. Its not my ideal timeframe/location, but definitely something I'll think about... in about 7 months :-) PM - 30 minutes pool running. Caught a beautiful sunrise as I was leaving for work...