AM - 5 miles in the research park area. Been over a month since I drove up here... instinctively I drove my running route, which is definitely not the fastest way at 5:30am. Yesterday we spent about 2 hours at Teena's house. I'm sure Andrea will write a lot more, but Teena did a great workup and spent a lot of time trying to figure out what is going on with that poor girl. I was incredibly impressed by Teena, she is going to be an amazing PT. Well, she already is in my opinion. I came away feeling very optimistic and that this is the beginning of the end of Andrea's injury cycle. So for the next couple weeks I'll continue to run in the mornings, and then spend the evenings doing whatever it takes to help get Andrea back up running strong. It will be good for me as well to mix things up a bit and work on some of my own weaknesses. We already moved our coffee table out of the living room and turned the entire space into a PT area. All this ancillary stuff is exhausting - its so much easier just to go out for an easy 10 miler! PM - 30 minutes of pool running and then an equal amount of time hot-tubbing. Tonight was all about range of motion and getting loose.