AM - 10.5 miles up to work w/ 6 mile uphill tempo in 34:31 (5:45/mi). Net uphill of ~300 feet - course tool says 5:45 pace on this route is equivalent to 5:25 pace on flat, which seems like about the effort I was running. Got the HR into the right zone w/out pounding the joints. My plan for the next two weeks is to ease back into the workout routine without pushing it too hard. I feel pretty good right now, but I know the well isn't bottomless... I probably only have a few (hopefully two!) good races left in me this year, and I want to make them really count. A short but higher-intensity cycle from mid-October to mid-November, then 2 competitive half-marathons. I'd really like to end this year w/ a half-marathon PR. PM - 5 miles down to SHP, met Andrea there.