AM - 14.8 miles, up to work. Felt surprisingly decent. Andrea's parents are in town, so we're headed to Moab this afternoon until Monday night. Tomorrow we're going to do our long run on the Hurrah Pass road, which I am very excited about. PM - 7 miles. We hit the storm of all storms on the drive down to Moab. Most lightning I have ever seen. No lie, some of the strikes were hitting the ground 75 yards from the road. You could see all the sparks fly up when it hit the ground! It was intense. Once we got down here, there was a slight break in the storm (I don't mind the rain, but was terrified of going out in the lightning) so I got out for a quick run while Andrea and her parents went grocery shopping. I trust her to bring back lots of ice cream. There's no way we're running Hurrah Pass tomorrow... the road will be a mess, so we'll have to stick to the bike path for the long run. |