AM - 24 miles at Jeremy Ranch. Andrea and I ran out (9 mi) & back to the East Canyon Reservoir, and she added on an extra mile to get 19. From there, I kept going along the I-80 frontage road to the Spring Creek trailhead, and a spot that I knew would be great for soaking our legs in a cold stream afterwards. Picked up the pace a bit on the last 5 miles and felt really good. We soaked in the freezing cold water for ~15 minutes, which was heavenly recovery. I think Andrea is going to give the marathon a shot this fall and go for the OTQ, so that is what we talked about the entire run. I really believe she can do it. The question is whether to run Philly with me or go to CIM a few weeks later. As I told her, whether we both make it or not, just the fact that we are having this conversation says a ton about how far we have come in the past year. The benefit of having Andrea drive the last 5 miles of the run alongside me... a moving aid station!