AM - 8 miles. Warmed up 2 miles w/ some strides, then 5 mile tempo in 26:16 (5:15/mi avg). Splits - 5:21, 5:20, 5:14, 5:12, 5:09. One mile jog home. Didn't sleep well last night, so I waking up early wasn't fun, but two easy days in a row left my legs feeling pretty good. PM - 8.5 miles. A nice steady run, mostly on gravel and grass... beautiful, warm evening and I felt like I could just cruise along forever. Decided against doing anything faster this afternoon. I noticed today that I didn't notice my achilles at all this morning - I think its about 99.4% of normal now, so I'm not playing roulette with it. Giving it a good soak in the ice tub as I type this entry. Seriously, how cool is this? A lot of $$$ is probably spent following Kilian Jornet w/ a helicopter... worth every penny! Radical SkiMo footage.