AM - 11.5 miles. JAJAF run and then up to work from there. Legs felt decent after yesterday's double dipper (no soreness), but they didn't feel springy. The group opened up a 15 yard gap on me in the first 30 seconds of the run that took me about 3/4 of a mile to close. I don't think anyone noticed I was dragging off the back at the beginning. Whew - that would have been embarrassing! PM - 7.3 miles home. The first mile was windy, I could smell the salt in the air. Then it started dumping snow. I did not not enjoy this run! My head got very cold. February totals - 563 miles, 3100 perfect pushups, 670 perfect pullups. Solid month... lots of good workouts. I actually ran slightly more miles per day than January, but the percentage of quality/fast miles went up a lot. Averaged just under 8.5 hours of sleep. Drove my car to work a lot more this month (12 times). A handful of us are going to do an Emigration Canyon long run on Saturday. We'll meet here (Eastside Elementary School - 3300S and I-215) at 8am sharp, then shuttle up to Mountain Dell Golf Course. The shortest distance back is 16.7 miles (route map). There are a few places we can add on some extra miles for those looking to get 20 miles or so. Happy Leap Year!