AM - 13.1 miles. Started at SHP w/ AdamRW, Allie, and James. Nice snowy/slushy run... luckily its Sunday morning, so not many cars out, and we could just run in the middle of the roads. James stopped at 5 and the rest of us ran up to the fieldhouse at the U (where Allie dropped out to meet James, who had driven up there - very complicated logistics!). Then Adam and I did a loop up on campus and back down to Sugar House. PM - 4 miles shakeout... the usual. Lazy Sunday... just lounged all day (after sleeping 10+ hours last night). Big week in the books. This upcoming week will be a planned volume cut-down. I'll try to get in a few quality workouts including the 15K on Saturday. Since the 5K, I've put in weeks of 137, 141, and 150 miles - all while slowly increasing the quantity and quality of faster miles. I like the 3 weeks up, 1 week down - that seems to work well for me. I did the same thing in January (3 weeks at ~140 and then a cut-down at ~110 w/ a race). Although since I have 2 more important races in March, there is no way I'll hit this kind of mileage again this spring. I'm typing this out to keep myself accountable. The base is solid - now I have 8 weeks to fine tune. |