AM - 8 miles up to work. Andrea joined me for the first couple miles. We agreed that we've never used our trail shoes as much as we have this winter so far. At least they are good for something! PM - 30 minutes pool running w/ Andrea. I'm going to continue w/ running to work (easily) in the mornings and then taking the bus down to the gym and getting in the pool in the afternoons for the whole week. I think we've figured out the etiology of how I (probably) strained my quad, and what to do about it. For a variety of reasons (which I supposed I could get into later when I have more time), I'm not going to do any cross-training that isn't running-motion specific. I'm also not going to just take a bunch of time off, because if I've learned anything from Andrea's struggles, its that a muscle that heals in the wrong position leads to way bigger problems than a muscle that heals a little bit slower. I'm just going to skip a handful of workouts / long runs, and maybe skip racing the 10K next weekend, but I think I can get back to full health without a gigantic loss of fitness if I follow the semi-conservative route.